Sunday, March 27, 2011

100% Club for Unit 22 Spelling Test!

  1.  Mia
  2. Marisol
  3. John
  4. Jac
  5. Jake F. 
  6. Saloni
  7. Lily
  8. David
  9. Abby
  10. Angeliz
  11. Brian
  12. Erin W.
  13. Kaitlyn

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Work for Wednesday, March 23.

This post is for students who were absent on Wednesday, March 23. It's a brief overview of some of the things we did in class.
Writing:  Today each group finished the Hey, Little Ant persuasive writing activity. We will share each piece on Thursday. Also students were told to start thinking of a persuasive writing topic that can be researched.

Reading:  In Reading we reread  In the Days of King Adobe and completed Think and Respond questions. Our test for this story will be on Friday.

Spelling: We corrected the practice sheet. Our Unit 21 test will be on Friday.

4B Math:  Today's topic in math was "Using a calculator to rename fractions as percents."  We completed journal pages 256, 257, and 258. The homework assignment is Mathboxes 9.4 (p259) and Study Link 9.4.

Science:  We took the Lung Test.

Social Studies:  We filled out the Study Guide for the 12 Midwest States. The test will be on Monday, April 11. Students will need to know the state, capital and abbreviation.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Test Reminders

Wednesday:  Science Test (be able to label the parts of the respiratory system)

Friday:  Spelling Test (Unit 21)
             Reading Test (In the Days of King Adobe)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Unit 22: Spelling List (Week March 21)

Base List
  1. table
  2. final
  3. handle
  4. personal
  5. animal
  6. usual
  7. jungle
  8. actual
  9. example
  10. bottle
  11. possible
  12. single
  13. several
  14. national
  15. hospital
  16. trouble
  17. candle
  18. dial
  19. equal
  20. jingle
Alternate List
  1. citizenship
  2. allegiance
  3. petition
  4. immigration
  5. examination
  6. wrinkle
  7. festival
  8. general
  9. sparkle
  10. natural
  11. chuckle
  12. freckle
  13. normal
  14. several
  15. scribble

Friday, March 18, 2011

100% Club for Unit 21 Spelling Test!


  1. Mia
  2. Jac
  3. David
  4. Madeline
  5. Jake K.
  6. Reilly
  7. Rich
  8. Kylie
  9. Abby
  10. Angeliz
  11. Matthew
  12. Beibei
  13. Sarika

Thursday, March 17, 2011

State Fair

Please make a list of your Top Ten States. Have your list ready on Monday, March, 21. You will select your state then.

Please click on the link below to take Jac's survey

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

4B Math Students

Remember your study guide should be completed by Wednesday. We will go over it in class on Wednesday. The Unit 8 Math Test will be on Thursday, March 17.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Optional Activities

If you have a question for author, Jon Scieszka, please write it on a piece of paper and include your name.
You can also sign up to become a Spacehead by going to the following link: 

Field Trip Reminder

Fourth graders will be going to Waubonsie High School tomorrow (Tuesday, 3/15). Students will need to bring a sack lunch. We will be eating lunch in our classrooms upon our return. Milk will be provided for students who normally get milk. Also, lunches will be available for students who participate in the free lunch program.

Unit 21 Spelling Lists: Week of March 14

Base List
  1. doctor
  2. dollar
  3. power
  4. sugar
  5. corner
  6. collar
  7. danger
  8. ladder
  9. labor
  10. cellar
  11. other
  12. motor
  13. hunger
  14. calendar
  15. horror
  16. officer
  17. finger
  18. director
  19. master
  20. regular

Alternate List
  1. firefighters
  2. inferno
  3. inflammable
  4. fiery
  5. smoldering
  6. instructor
  7. jeweler
  8. treasurer
  9. gardener
  10. dreamer
  11. explorer
  12. pitcher
  13. senator
  14. stranger
  15. officer

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ozzie's Reading Club

If you are participating in Ozzie's Reading Club, 3rd base forms are due on Monday, March 14.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

4B Math Students

Homework assignment for Thursday, March 10: S. L. 8.6 (due Friday)

Also, the Extra Credit Assignment is due on Monday, March 14.  If you are completing the extra credit, remember to label the measurements, doors and windows.

ISAT Celebration

On Thursday, we will finish our  last ISAT exam. We will have a small celebration as a treat for our hard work. Students may bring an extra snack for the afternoon and a drink (clear liquid please).

Thursday, March 3, 2011

March Newsletter

Please remind your parents to click on the above link  under "Places to Visit" to read the March Newsletter.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Southeasterner Presentations

We will start our Famous Southeasterner Presentations tomorrow. Be sure to practice with your family tonight. We will not get through all of the presentations on Thursday, but everyone should be prepared to present.  Also, remember to bring your rubric. Good Luck!!