Friday, January 30, 2015

5B Math

The Unit 5 math test will be on Friday, February 6.  Your child will be bringing home a completed study guide at the beginning of next week to help him/her prepare for the test. Please use the Unit 5 math links for extra practice as well. Don't forget to watch the videos for a quick review too!

Registration forms

The registration forms for Still Middle School were due today (January 30). If you have not turned it in already it is very important that your child brings it to school on Monday.
Thank you.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Social Studies Test

The chapter 8 Social Studies (pages 266-291) test will be on Thursday, February 5. Your student already has a completed study guide. Please help your child prepare by reviewing vocabulary and discussing the topics on the study guide.

Monday, January 26, 2015

2nd Quarter Auction

On Thursday, we will have our 2nd quarter auction. You will need to make a list of the item(s) that you would like to submit to the auction. This list needs to be signed by a parent. Remember once your items are sold in the auction, they can't be returned to you. If your list is not signed by a parent you will not be able to submit your items.


On Wednesday, January 28, 5th graders will have a presentation on the Revolutionary War. Please dress accordingly. If your classroom number is ODD, wear a BLUE shirt. If your classroom number is EVEN, wear a RED shirt. For example, Alexis is #1, so she should wear blue. Alok is #2 he should wear red.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Unit 2 Performance Task for Reading

Your brainstorming assignment for the Unit 2 Performance Task is due on Tuesday, January 20. Please sign into Google Classroom to complete this assignment. Use your Google Drive password to log-in. Your choice will be confirmed on Tuesday. It would be better to wait until Tuesday before you start any major research.