Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Crickets are here!

Remember to write 1 interesting cricket fact on your note card. You will need your cricket fact to participate in our science activity tomorrow (9/25). You may use one of the links from the website (a book or Google is also acceptable).

We will have a cricket quiz on September 30. You will need to label the parts of the cricket and answer basic questions about the cricket. The Mr. Nussbaum website may be helpful when studying.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Curriculum Night is this Wednesday (9/18). It will run from 6:30 to 8:00. Please plan on attending. I will be giving you information about our classroom routines and procedures. I look forward to seeing you.
*Remember this is a parent only event.

Science Quiz

Our first science quiz is on Monday, September 23. Students will be required to list the steps of the scientific process in order and write a description for each step. Ask your child how the following sentence can help, "Queen Helen Made Prune Rice Cookies!"


Fourth grade is now on Twitter. Please follow us @Owenowls4

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Unit 1 Math Test

4B math students will have a Unit 1 math test on Thursday, September 12. Please help your child earn 2 extra credit points by reviewing the math study guide with your child before Thursday. For extra practice visit some of the Unit 1 practice links.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

September Newsletter

The September newsletter has been posted.  Parents, please take a few minutes to read the newsletter and your child will earn 2 classroom tickets!  You will find it under the newsletter link.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Picture Day

Smile! Picture Day is Monday, September 9. Don't forget your order form. If you need a new order form please have your child see me.
Ms. Baugh