Places to Visit
Places to Visit:
Unit 14 Spelling List
Base List
- Mt. Mount
- Dr. Doctor
- Jan. January
- Rte. Route
- Rd. Road
- St. Street
- Fri. Friday
- lb. pound
- Ave. Avenue
- Dec. December
- tsp. teaspoon
- Sat. Saturday
- Wed. Wednesday
- Gov. Governor
- Pres. President
- Hwy. Highway
- Sept. September
- Pkwy. Parkway
- Sun. Sunday
- Mon. Monday
Alternate List
- refrigerator
- microwave
- appliance
- dishwasher
- food
- adj. adjective
- tbsp. tablespoon
- unv. universe
- rst. restaurant
- cm. centimeter
- Tues. Tuesday
- inc. incorporated
- Sr. senior
- misc. miscellaneous
- co. company